In this first image there is a length of string randomly laying on asphalt, with bits of pine needles and leaves surrounding it. The contrast of the white string against the black asphalt help set off the subject. The string subject is centred in the frame, with a wide frame of asphalt surrounding it; seemingly making the subject important yet the visual interest is lost. In my opinion this image demonstrates poor structure as the subject is the main focus yet is lost, almost swimming in the background.
The second image displays the same subject of the white string on the black asphalt, filling and dominating more of the space. The subject functions as a clear centre of interest.
The third image shows the same subject of the white string on asphalt, with the subject filling so much of the frame and the cursive shapes of the strings make the image more visually compelling. By eliminating the understandable perspective of looking down on a piece of string on the ground the random shapes are emphasized, strengthening the image. By cutting off excess of the string the viewer must now engage with the subject and picture the entirety of the string. Also, the random position of the string suggests cursive writing further engaging the viewer to think if there is more being communicated in the image.